Pre Employment

Terms & Conditions

360 Recruitment – Terms & Conditions

360Rec-03 | 2024-2025

Welcome to 360 Recruitment Limited

Firstly, let us thank you for choosing to work with us; our goals, aims and ambitions cannot be achieved without constantly recruiting the best candidates available to fulfil our ever-increasing staffing levels. Let us take this opportunity to introduce you to 360 Recruitment, what we stand for and what we aim to achieve. 360 Recruitment is a dynamic, forward thinking Company, founded to offer staffing solutions to companies in the UK. 360 Recruitment offer our clients the highest possible levels of service and in turn expect all staff, at all times, to work with honesty, integrity and efficiency. The minimum requirement of every worker at 360 Recruitment is 100% effort! We reward this by offering you unique and challenging opportunities; where your personal development is as important as your career development and your potential is nurtured.As a Company that specialise in recruiting for companies across the UK we are only too aware of the importance of attracting, developing and retaining the highest calibre employees. We will match your endeavour by ensuring that difficult decisions are made that protect the long term prospects of the business, this will ensure our continued success which in turn will see continued job creation and ongoing career development opportunities. Working in the recruitment industry can at times appear a thankless task, expectations are high, delivering upon a promise made is everything. If you need help or assistance at any time the door is always open. We are all here to achieve the same goal, never be afraid to ask for help, your co-workers, peers and Directors are all here to help. We hope that you enjoy your time with 360 Recruitment and find it a rewarding and enjoyable experience; on behalf of the Directors and managers of 360 Recruitment we wish you all long and successful careers with the Company.

Use of the Staff Handbook

The Staff Handbook is designed to provide you with information about 360 Recruitment (the "Company"). The Staff Handbook also contains the policies, procedures and rules, which the Company has adopted, and you are expected to follow as a member of the 360 team.

Several of the policies, procedures and rules included in the Staff Handbook are referred to in your contract of employment. However, such policies, procedures and rules are non-contractual. In general, the contents of the Staff Handbook apply to all 360 Recruitment employees and it is important therefore to read the Staff Handbook carefully. If you have any questions about its contents, please raise them with Greg Tyler 0115 923 3366, greg@360rec.co.uk The Staff Handbook will be updated as and when changes occur. Staff Handbook and full company policies can be found on the company website, attached to our company profile in our CRM & a physical copy is present in each of our offices.

About 360 Recruitment Limited

We are an expanding supplier of human resource solutions to a diverse client base across the UK. We began trading in 2010 and since then have achieved outstanding growth in a highly competitive marketplace. We have a very specific business plan & target market which will see us compete with many of the UK’s leading recruitment companies.

Our growth has been no accident; the Company was formed to revolutionise the way in which Clients work with their Recruitment partners - this is only the beginning. New markets exist that as yet remain untapped; to continue our ambitious growth plans we now need to focus on these markets and exploit the endless opportunities that exist.

Growth will also come from totally new ventures; at present we offer an extensive array of services, in the near future we will begin to offer our customers and our workers access to a wide range of services; high quality suppliers are currently being negotiated with to bring additional benefits to employees and customers alike. There really is no limit to what we can achieve, if we maintain our principles, ambitions and entrepreneurial outlook we will continue to evolve and grow at a frightening pace.

Terms and Conditions

In any Company it is necessary to have certain rules and regulations to protect the health and safety of all employees and customers and to ensure high standards of conduct, performance and service. As an employee of 360 Recruitment, it is important that you are aware of the rules and regulations which apply to you.

360 Recruitment has adopted the following Company rules, which all employees are required to follow. Failure to adhere to Company rules, procedures and policies may result in disciplinary action, which may include dismissal, in accordance with the Company’s Disciplinary Procedure.

Equal opportunities

The Company is committed to providing equal opportunities for all employees and applicants for employment. This means that all employees and job applicants will receive equal treatment regardless of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sex, marital status, religion or belief, age, sexual orientation, disability or trade union membership – or non-membership. The Company’s Equal Opportunities Policy and Policy Statement on Harassment at Work aims to promote equality, harmony and respect amongst individuals and to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation of all kinds. Every employee must ensure that his/her conduct conforms to the standards set out in these policy statements.

Health and safety

The Company has adopted a Health and Safety Policy to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees. Every employee must ensure that his/her conduct conforms to the standards set out in this policy. Authorised: Greg

Systems and procedures

All administrative and operational systems and procedures must be strictly adhered to. Employees are required to report any irregularities in systems, procedures or documentation to a Supervisor or Manager.

Attendance and punctuality

Employees are expected to attend work regularly and punctually. Unforeseen absence, due to illness or an emergency must be notified to a Supervisor or Manager within one hour of the employee’s normal start time.

All planned leave must be authorised in advance in accordance with the Company’s procedures. Persistent lateness and unauthorised absenteeism is viewed as a disciplinary issue and will be dealt with accordingly.

Company property

Company property must be treated with care and respect at all times. Any damage to Company property must be reported to a Supervisor or Manager. Unauthorised use of or wilful damage to Company property will be treated as a disciplinary matter and where workers commit wilful or negligent damage, the costs of such damage may be deducted from salaries.

Use of computers

The Company’s IT, Communication and Monitoring Policy, is designed to protect the Company’s computer equipment, prevent inappropriate use and protect confidential data stored on computer files. Every employee must ensure that his/her conduct conforms to the standards set out in this policy.

Smoking & Vaping

Smoking and vaping are prohibited in all Company work places.

Consumption of alcohol

The Company will not permit any employee to work whilst under the influence of alcohol. For further information, please see the full Drug & Alcohol Policy (360Rec-19).

Drug abuse

The Company forbids the possession, use or distribution of drugs for non-medical purposes on its premises.

Right of Search and Testing

In order to maintain the safety and security of the workplace, staff and clients, the Company reserves the right to search any employee or the contents of any package, bag or belongings in their possession, or the contents of parcels or vehicles entering or leaving the Company's or their client's premises. It is understood that such checks in themselves do not imply suspicion in relation to the individual concerned. If practicable the search will be conducted by a person of the same sex and in the presence of a third person and you will be encouraged to ensure that another independent witness is present if so required.

The Company reserves the right to call in the police at any stage.

Unauthorised removal of any property or papers belonging to the Company may be treated as theft and be subject to the Company's Disciplinary Procedure.

In order to assist in the effective implementation of its policy on alcohol, drugs and other substances, the Company reserves the right to have tests carried out on employees


The Company expects employees to abide by a smart/casual dress code, other than on Fridays where a dress down day is permitted. Clothing worn should be of a smart/casual style and employees must always present a clean & professional appearance. Dirty, worn or torn clothing is not considered suitable and clothing with offensive or inappropriate designs or stamps are not permitted. Clothing should not be revealing and must be appropriate enough to greet clients and visitors. Employees working at client sites or carrying our client visits/meetings are expected to abide by a smart/business dress code, or the client's specific dress code.


Every employee must at all times act within the law and any regulations which are applicable to the Company’s activities. Any employee, who becomes aware of another employee acting illegally, whilst acting on behalf of the Company, must report the activity to a Supervisor or Manager.

Public statements

Every employee is responsible for promoting the reputation and image of the Company. Employees must not make detrimental statements in respect of the Company during the course of dealings with individuals outside of the Company. No employee is permitted to give press or other media interviews or assist with or be involved in the publication of any article relating to the business affairs of the Company or in relation to the Company’s intellectual property, without prior consent from Greg Tyler.

‘Employees' Property

No liability is accepted for any loss of, or damage to, property, which employees bring onto the premises. Employees are advised not to bring personal items of value onto the premises and, in particular, not to leave any items unattended or on the premises overnight.

Private Mail

All mail received by the Company will be opened, irrespective of being addressed to an individual employee or being marked "strictly private and confidential", as such actions are considered necessary to safeguard the interests of the business. Private mail, therefore, should not be sent care of the Company's address and no private mail may be posted at the Company's expense.


Non-essential private communications are discouraged and any abuse of the telephone and computer systems may result in disciplinary action. Whilst calls will not be routinely monitored, all telephone calls can and may be listened to for staff training & development purposes.

Time off for appointments

Circumstances may arise where you need time off for medical/dental appointments. Where possible, appointments should be made outside normal working hours.

Court Attendance/Jury service

If an employee is called up for jury service or must attend Court as a witness, he/she will not receive pay whilst away from work. Instead, the employee is entitled to attendance expenses from the Court. The Court will supply the employee with a claim form, which the Company will complete on the employee's behalf. The employee should then return the completed form to the Court for reimbursement at the end of the attendance period. The Company can request to apply to the Court for the employees Jury Service to be either postponed or delayed if it is considered that the absence will cause substantial injury to the business. A failure or refusal to make a request when requested will lead to action being taken under the Disciplinary Procedure, which may include dismissal.

Changes to personal details

It is important that all employees' personal details are kept up to date in the Company’s records. If an employee's personal details (for example surname or address) change at any point, the Company must be notified immediately by completing the Company’s Change to Personal Details Form. This can be found in the Company Forms section of the Staff Handbook.


The Company’s Expenses Claim Form will be updated annually and provided to you by email.Expenses should be submitted in a timely and accurate fashion at intervals agreed between the employee and his/her Supervisor or Manager. As a rule, expenses should be submitted monthly and if submitted correctly will be processed on the Wednesday following submission and paid by BACS transfer on the Friday thereafter.