Pre Employment

Sustainabilitiy Policy

360 Recruitment – Sustainability Policy

360Rec-16 | 2024-2025

360 Recruitment Ltd is committed to contributing to national and international efforts to embed sustainability. In responding to the global ecological crisis and accompanying economic and social challenges, we have developed a Sustainability Policy that engages with staff and partners.

What is Sustainability?

Security of the environment, economy and society for present and future generations awareness of human actions that threaten the natural environment enabling people whoever they are to live satisfying lives without harming the planet living and learning with the understanding that all aspects of life are connected understanding that social and environmental well-being for all are both essential if we are to lead healthy and peaceful lives

Who is the policy for?

Everybody in the 360 Recruitment Ltd community as well as our regional and national partners

Why is Sustainability important to 360?

360 Recruitment Ltd wants to become a leader in sustainability. 360 Recruitment Ltd wants to adhere in responding to the UN Decade for Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014).

Our approach:

Making the Centres/Offices more sustainable and inclusive Including sustainability ideas and issues. This is a ‘living’ document. Everyone at 360 Recruitment Ltd is being asked to contribute ideas and suggestions for action.