Pre Employment
Drug & Alcohol Policy
360 Recruitment – Drug & Alcohol Policy
360Rec-19 | 2024-25
The Company recognises its health and safety responsibilities as an employer, particularly in relation to the prevention of accidents and the maintenance of a safe and healthy working environment. The Company will ensure that, in implementing this policy, required standards of safety are not compromised. This policy applies to all 360 Recruitment employees and personnel working on, or visiting any 360 Recruitment offices, site, premises, workplaces or while on company business.
The Director responsible for Health and Safety has overall responsibility for implementation of this policy and testing regimes.
Aims and Objectives
The aims of this policy are to:
ensure that employees and sponsored personnel are aware of the Company’s position with regard to alcohol and drugs misuse and the procedure for random and for cause testing and the consequences of a positive test;
provide a policy framework whereby employees who have an alcohol or drugs related problem can gain access to professional support and assistance;
establish an agreed procedure whereby managers can address performance and conduct issuesarising from alcohol and drugs related problems;
identify when alcohol and drug misuse may become a health rather than a disciplinary issue;
recognise the need to protect the interests of the Company, its customers and employees while adopting a supportive approach aimed at assisting employees to recognise and address alcohol or drug problems.
Every employee has an obligation to take reasonable care for their safety and for the safety of other people who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
They are also obliged to co-operate with their employer in respect of matters concerning health and safety, including drugs and alcohol testing requirements.
The involvement and co-operation of employees at all levels is essential for the effective implementation of this policy.
In the case of drugs and alcohol testing requirements, this obligation extends to all personnel as outlined above. This policy will be periodically reviewed to ensure its ongoing effectiveness.
Name: Greg Tyler (Director)
Date: 01st May 2024